Application of the first coat of AIM #1 over urethane foam sprayed on to the poured concrete foundations

Completion of the second coat of AIM #1

The AIM #1 is now ready for installation of geotextile to the surface

Geotextile is adhered to the surface of the AIM #1 and is ready for backfilling

AIM #1 is a below grade waterproofing membrane on poured concrete foundations

AIM #1 applied inside rooftop concrete planter situated in a plaza at a luxury resort in Puerto Rico. Fast-setting, rapid strength development are essential in this tropical climate.

Roofab polyster fabric is incorporated into the AIM #1 to reinforce the critical junction between the base and walls. AIM #1 is reinforced with micaceous iron oxide (MIO) which is visible in its metallic sparkle. The tough composite that is formed between the polyurethane and the MIO makes it extremely damage resistant.